14 nov. 2010

Will.i.am Calls New Michael Jackson Album ‘Disrespectful’

Will.i.am qui a une actualité chargée avec la sortie du prochain album de The Black Eyed Peas intitulé The Beginning  revient sur la sortie mouvementée du prochain album de Michael Jackson, Michael.

Pour lui, ce qu'a fait Sony Music est honteux et "disrespectful" (irrespectueux).

Lui qui a un peu fréquenté le chanteur, sait que Michael Jackson était perfectionniste à l'extrême et n'aurait pas aimé ni même permis que l'on fasse cela de son vivant.

The drama over the new Michael Jackson album continues. Will.i.am was one of the artists that Micheal was working with before he passed away, on what would have been his comeback album. He tells EW that he’s hasn’t even heard the new single ‘Breaking News‘ yet and that:
“Whoever put it out and is profiting off of it, I want to see how cold they are,” he says, “to say that what [Michael] contributed during his life wasn’t enough. He just wasn’t any ordinary artist. He was a hands-on person. To me it’s disrespectful. There’s no honoring.”
“Michael Jackson songs are finished when Michael says they’re finished,” Will says. “Maybe if I never worked with him I wouldn’t have this perspective. He was very particular about how he wanted his vocals, the reverb he used…he was that hands-on.”
Will had earlier revealed that together they recorded a few songs including “Dreaming,” “Still the King,” and a James Brown tribute called “I Will Miss You” but none of them will ever be released since Michael didn’t give them the final okay.
Two days ago, the Jackson Estate released an official statement backing the project

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